North Launceston Picks up a Life Saver
North Launceston Football Club hopes it never has to use its latest $2500 addition. The club applied for its new subsidised defibrillator through the Australian Red Cross's national Project Defib program last year and recently had it installed behind the club's Aurora Stadium Function
Centre bar...

Bring Client back from near Death
Personal trainer Travis Roche had to put his first aid skills to the ultimate test when a client went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing. "As I got closer I noticed bleeding from his head and it was obvious he had hit his head as he had fallen," Mr Roche said yesterday...

Whittlesea mum's heartfelt campaign
A WHITTLESEA mother is on a mission to save local lives after the sudden cardiac arrest and tragic death of her four-year-old son. Kim Ferguson has successfully campaigned for six defibrillators to be introduced to the township, including at the Whittlesea Primary School and Whittlesea Tennis Club...

Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Workplace
We had a truck driver on site who collapsed and required immediate and emergency treatment. We administered first aid, which included the use of our Defibtech defibrillator which in the end made a huge difference to the recovery of the patient Ethan. A number of people across the site have been asking after Ethan’s recovery so I thought I would send out a quick note...

Donated Defibtech defib saves a life within hours
A Defibrillator donated to the Crescent Head Holiday Park on Friday was put to use just two hours later to save a man’s life. The man in his 50s, who was visiting the area, suffered a heart attack while surfing at the Crescent Head point just before 11am on Friday...

Defibtech AED helps Law Enforcement Save Two Lives in a Week
Officer John O’Neil had an emergency call to a local auto repair store because someone had collapsed from cardiac arrest. O’Neil quickly arrived and was the first on the scene. So he used his AED to stabilize the victim until the ambulance arrived.

Keilor Downs son saves his father's life with a Defibtech Defibrillator
A Keilor Downs father of three wants CPR training to be mandatory in schools - and defibrillators at all sporting clubs - after the quick-thinking actions of his son saved his life.

Energize Health Club, NSW
In 2011, a 45 year old man collapsed at the Energize Health Club Fitness Centre. The Defibtech Lifeline AED was retrieved and a shock was administered. He was conscious when the ambulance arrived and has since made a full recovery. Without the use of the AED with the first 5 minutes, the chance of survival drops to less than 7%.
"We are very pleased to be in the position to save a guests life by having immediate access to a Defibtech Defibrillator. It is a tremendous outcome for not only the guest but for all of our staff, members and future members as it is evident that we take our duty of care extremely seriously. The Defibtech unit was simple to use and the support provided by Defibtech has been exceptional "

Hartsville YMCA, Hartsville, SC
The first reported save with a Defibtech AED occurred at the Hartsville YMCA in South Carolina, where a member collapsed during a workout. Another YMCA member was able to successfully rescue the victim despite never having been trained on the Lifeline AED. This YMCA location had purchased the AED only weeks prior to the rescue. They had previously not owned an AED because they could not afford one.

Investment Firm, Dallas, TX
A middle-aged employee at the firm suddenly fell backwards in his office, a victim of sudden cardiac arrest. Coworkers called 911 and retrieved the company's ReviveR AED. One shock was delivered and a full cycle of CPR was performed. By the time EMS arrived, the man's heartbeat had been restored and he was transported to the hospital for treatment.

Trans International, Milwaukee, WI
A man working in his cubicle at Trans International suddenly fell to the floor from cardiac arrest. Colleagues witnessed the collapse and called 911 and retrieved the ReviveR AED. The shock revived the employee, who returned to work within 10 days of the event.

Renaissance Club Sport, Walnut Creek, CA
In the span of just two weeks, this health club used its Defibtech AED twice and saved the lives of two members, 45 and 62 years old.

ARTCO/ADM, Illinois River, IL
A Lifeline AED saved the life of a towboat worker on the Illinois River. The towboat was equipped with a Lifeline AED thanks to the efforts of a distributor who turned to selling Lifeline AEDs after the loss of his 19-year-old daughter to sudden cardiac arrest.

Church, Galmoy, Ireland
A Lifeline AED was used to save the life of a man who collapsed in a church in Galmoy, Ireland, minutes before a funeral service he was attending. The unit shocked the man, who was then rushed to the hospital, where he made a good recovery. The AED had been recently purchased through fundraising efforts of two parishioners.

Cypress Creek YMCA, Houston, TX
A 54-year old man collapsed on the racquetball court. The ReviveR AED was quickly retrieved and a shock was administered. He was conscious when EMS arrived and has since made a full recovery.

Hurricane Creek Country Club, Dallas, TX
A middle-aged man with no history of heart trouble was on the 18th hole of the golf course when he went into sudden cardiac arrest. Members of his foursome called 911 with a cell phone and contacted the clubhouse. Someone from the club shop brought the Defibtech AED to the victim. The first shock — delivered within a few minutes of his collapse — revived him long before EMS arrived.